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MSHO's May 22 Legislative Breakfast

We need YOU!

As physicians and professionals treating Michigan’s cancer patients, it is your responsibility to not only provide them with the utmost care, but also help them gain access to affordable medication and insurance they desperately need.

Please join MSHO and your colleagues in Lansing on May 22nd from 8:00 am – 9:30 am for our 2nd Annual Legislative Breakfast. This forum will provide you with a chance to discuss public policy issues affecting cancer, including access to medication and insurance.

We are still in need of volunteers who want their voices to be heard on these pressing issues. We are looking for those who are motivated to make a difference in the fight against cancer, are passionate about our mission and are willing to share their stories.

A conference call will be held on Friday, May 18th at 12:00 noon to review the issues being addressed and answer any questions you may have.

Joining us for this breakfast is a small way to make a big difference for your patients and the outcome could be life-changing.

Click Here to Register Today! 

For questions regarding this event, please contact Mary Kay Makarewicz at or 248-385-5464.

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